Monday, July 20, 2015

I know how much everyone loves Shark Week because there's awesome shots of great whites sneaking up on seals, but did you know that 100 million sharks are killed each year for their fins? Sharks take 15+ years to reach sexual maturity, depending on how large they get (the bigger the fish the longer it takes) meaning they could go extinct in our lifetime. I don't know about you but I've never been a fan of any species going extinct but from a more practical perspective it would be incredibly irresponsible for us to let this happen.

 They play a crucial role in our survival. Sharks keep our most important ecosystem healthy. Our seas provide 1/3 of our planet with food, produces more oxygen than all the rainforests combined, removes half of the atmosphere's greenhouse gases, and controls the earth's temperature and weather. Sounds pretty reckless to let this happen, right? Lush thinks so too. 

Lush teamed up with Discovery Channel for this limited edition Shark Fin Soap in hopes of shedding light on this issue. 100% of the proceeds go towards organizations dedicated to the conservation of these animals. It's made with lovely things like seaweed, sea salt, lime and lavender oil giving it a fresh, ocean scent that I absolutely love. 

The soap itself lathers really well, and isn't drying. The only downside is that the fin is made out of paper and it just kind of falls off once you use it. It would have been cooler if the fin shape was made out of the soap or something but that's really the only downside. 

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